Libertyville Location
847 362-6650
At North Suburban Periodontics, we are dedicated to taking away patient anxiety, and to have any care you might receive to be as relaxing and as pain free as possible.
Over the years, sedation techniques have improved to the point where Dr. McClenahan can perform a procedure and the patient often does not realize that the treatment session has been completed. We do our utmost to ensure your total comfort. In addition to conventional techniques, we can also employ oral sedation or nitrous oxide.
Oral Sedation involves giving the patient a sedative by mouth to help the patient relax and to remove anxiety and fear. Of course, the mouth is numb from local anesthetic, but the patient receiving oral sedation is more relaxed during the process. The patient is completely conscious throughout the procedure. Nitrous oxide has been used in dentistry for more than 150 years and it is safe and effective. The patient inhales the gas and it has a euphoric effect in addition to being a mild, general anesthetic. It relieves pain and relaxes the patient and is used in addition to local anesthetic.
Dr. McClenahan and his staff are highly experienced in the administration of oral sedation and nitrous oxide. We encourage patients to ask questions and if they feel they might benefit from having additional sedation, we will be pleased to make your experience as relaxing and pain free as possible.